Let’s install PostCSS Nesting (or any PostCSS Plugin) in our Vite based Ionic project!

PostCSS Nesting over Native Nesting

Native CSS Nesting is nearly here, but it’s going to be a little while yet before every user is able to render it, especially if you’re building an ionic app that targets “older” devices. So it’s probably wiser to continue using third party solutions for the forseeable future.

I’ve always been a SASS user up until now, but the advantage of using PostCSS Nesting is that it uses the W3C CSS Nesting spec, so that when the time comes to target only devices that can handle CSS Nesting the switch should be as simple as uninstalling the plugins and deleting the config file.

Installing PostCSS Load Config

Conveniently, PostCSS Plugins are very modular. However all of them require you to have installed PostCSS Load Config & PostCSS Plugin

npm i -D postcss-load-config postcss-plugin

Then we need to create the config file. Make a file named .postcssrc.json in the root of your project with the following contents

  "plugins": {
    "postcss-plugin": {},
    "postcss-nesting": {} // omit this if not installing nesting

Installing Plugins

Once you’ve installed Load Config and added the config file, you can browse their extensive plugin collection, but we’re interestined in their nesting plugin. Install it with

npm i -D postcss postcss-nesting

That should be everything! Add some CSS nesting to one of your stylesheets

.Component {
  color: red;
  h1 {
    color: blue;

and run ionic server to get going. No further work required!